Antique framed mirror seating plan

Antique framed mirror seating plan –

Mirrors and frames can compliment many wedding themes, from vintage to modern, boho to chic, and adapt to any colour scheme. We show how this versatile and interesting way of displaying your wedding seating plan can easily be created.


Mirrors can be used in many different ways – either by using a collection of smaller individual mirrors or one large one, by writing directly onto the mirror or simply using it as a background for your seating plan design. There are plenty of fantastic ideas on our Pinterest board.

Using a mirror as a background
Get the most from your wedding stationery design – use the same design as your invitations, menus and other stationery to create one card per table, with guests’ names written below. Attach these cards to a large mirror of your choice to present your wedding seating plan in a unique and personalised way.

Writing on your mirror
Most white board markers will write on mirrors, as will some children’s felt tip pens, crayons and lipstick! If you find that your chosen pen does not clean off with soap and water, try using nail polish remover or white spirit on a piece of kitchen towel.

For a more permanent finish, you can get very creative using glass paints, which can be applied using a simple paint brush.

Etching on a mirror
Some companies may offer to etch your seating plan onto your chosen mirror, at a cost. If you would like a similar effect at a lower price use etching spray and a stencil, or rub on letter transfers. This technique is probably rather time consuming for a large seating plan but is perfect for headings, table names and decorative finishing touches.

Picture frames

Elegant rustic picture frame table plan

Elegant rustic picture frame table plan –

Large or small, boho or modern, picture frames will turn a plain seating plan into an eye catching attraction in a matter of minutes. Here are a few ideas to show how you can use a frame to present your plan:

  • Choose a photo frame with multiple apertures, and place a list of table names and guests in each aperture. If there is room, intersperse your lists with favourite photos of the happy couple.
  • Use a larger frame to create a wedding collage, showing your wedding seating plan as well as engagement photos and memorabilia of the wedding.
  • Hang ribbon or thread in horizontal or vertical rows across a large frame, and peg or attach tags showing which guests are at which table.

Ornate vintage frame wedding seating plan

Ornate vintage frame wedding seating plan –

How to paint your frame
If you want to paint your frame, you will need to sand it down first, then apply one to two coats in your chosen colour. The tester pots of emulsion paint available in DIY shops would be ideal for this, as you can choose from a whole range of coordinating colours.

Other options include:

  • Stencilling a design onto your frame. This would work best with a flat, wide frame design. Paint the background in your chosen colour, and use stencils, paint and make up sponges to stencil your design on. Here is an example using a small photo frame that could easily be adapted to a larger wedding seating plan frame.
  • Distressing a frame is a really easy way of making any old frame look vintage and antique.


You don’t have to stick to just your table plan, why not carry your mirror and frame theme on throughout your reception décor?

  • Use a mirror as a table centrepiece. This example by Martha Stewart combines candles and a beautiful flower arrangement with a circular mirror. These mirror box vases can be made at home.
  • Use a large mirror and write the menu for the wedding reception on it. This would also be great if you have a drinks or cocktail menu.
  • Use a small hand mirror on each table to show the table name or number.
  • Give small compacts with mirrors in as favours for the ladies, and mirrored cufflinks for the gents.
  • Use a framed mirror or plain board as a guest book – ready to hang when the bride and groom get home!
  • Use a picture frame to make a great prop for wedding photos!

As always, remember to have a look at our Pinterest board for plenty of inspiring ideas for your mirror and frame themed wedding seating plan!

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