Wedding favours can be a headache – trying to find something that will be kept and cherished by your guests is often difficult so you may feel like you’re wasting money. As an alternative idea you could consider giving charity pins to each guest. This is the perfect way to give a little back to a charity that has special value to you and also raises awareness of the cause.

Oxfam Wedding Favours

Oxfam Wedding FavoursFor around just £2 per guest, Oxfam offer a pack of favour cards which make the perfect place settings and add that little something different to your day.

Visit Oxfam »

A more meaningful gift

Giving a charity pin has a bit more meaning than some gifts which may get left on the table at the end of the event. It will give a longlasting reminder of your day to your friends and family. By giving the guests a pin, you still have a tangible ‘gift’ for each guest, which has the double benefit of raising the profile of the charity when the pin is worn.

Personal to you and your groom

There are many charities to pick from so you can pick a cause dear to your heart. You can also choose a charity to provide a memory of a family member who is no longer with you. You can also give an opportunity for guests to donate to the charity. If you wish to give further, you could ask your guests to make a donation to your chosen charity rather than a wedding gift.

Popular Charities

Oxfam Oxfam »
Packs of 50 assorted table cards for £106.
Cancer Research Cancer Research UK »
Suggested donation of £2 per pin.
Unicef UNICEF »
Various cards in packs of 10.
Action Aid Action Aid »
An alternative wedding gift list.
Breast Cancer Care Breast Cancer Care »
£1 per pin.

Easy to arrange

Many charities will take orders via their website or can arrange an order with an email or two. It’s something that can be sorted out in advance if you want to tick something off your ‘to do’ list – as they take up relatively little space and have no sell by date!


Generally around £1-£2 for a pin. Some charities can provide a card for each pin detailing your names – e.g. Cancer Research UK. You can even get cards to match your stationery.

We’ll be adding more charities to the list above as and when we find them. If you know of others and think we should be listing them, please do contact us.

If charity wedding favours aren’t quite right for you, we’ve also put together a page with plenty of other ideas for wedding favours.

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A little bit about Adam, founder of TopTablePlanner...

Adam has been working in the wedding industry since 2006. After discovering that arranging the seating is one of the hardest parts of planning a wedding, he launched TopTablePlanner in 2007. See his Google+ profile.